Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Veterans' Day Parade - November 9, 2013

The Rhea-Craig Chapter honors our veterans with a float in the Sweetwater Veterans' Day parade.  Shown in the photo below are Bill Long - U. S. Army and Gail Yates - National Guard.   In the other photo are Bill Long - U. S. Army; Gail Yates - National Guard; Ivan - Air Force and Richard - Air Force.  The crowds always greet our veterans with enthusiasm and appreciation.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Community Service - Beautification of Entry Monument at Engleman Park

October 2013 several members of the Rhea Craig Chapter DAR met at Engelman Park in Sweetwater to plant shrubs at the entry monument.  This is part of our commitment to contribute to the beautification of our local communities.   Shown in the photo below, with tools in hand are Caren Lorelle, Carrie Ann Bright, Marcia Long, Faye Sliger, Susan Pluff and Jane Yates.

Constitution Week Celebration

As part of our celebration of Constitution Week, Rhea-Craig members Carrie Ann Bright, Marcia Long and Jane Yates, regent rang the bells in the Methodist Episcopal Church in Sweetwater, TN at 4:00pm on September 17, 2013.
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Monday, November 4, 2013

Rhea-Craig Chapter Iris Project

The DAR strongly believes in fostering a strong bond with the local the community.   Members or the Rhea-Craig Chapter spent an afternoon digging and packaging iris rhizomes to share with visitors at the Annual Muscadine Festival in Downtown Sweetwater, TN. 

In mid-October 2013 Carrie Ann Bright, Susan Pluff and Caren Lorelle dug, separated and bagged several hundred iris rhizomes to be handed out to fair-goers.  The iris  were very popular and soon the 100 bags of rhizomes were on their way to be re-planted in gardens throughout the area, enhancing the natural beauty around us.