Saturday, December 13, 2014

Certificate from 1931 DAR member

Regent Jane Yates showing a newly-framed DAR certificate from Florene Jones Hall from 1931.

Friday, December 12, 2014

December 2014 Meeting with guest speaker Mr. Don Edmonds

Mr. Don Edmonds presented a very interesting and informative program about
The "Revolutionary War: the First Day. His program detailed the events that lead to the earliest battles between the British and the American colonists.
Our hostess, Marcia Long presented Mr. Edmonds with gifts of appreciation for his excellent program.

Friday, November 14, 2014

Vietnam Veteran Richard Waters was the featured speaker at the November 13, 2014  meeting of the Rhea-Craig Chapter DAR. Richard was awarded the Purple Heart for injuries he sustained in battle while serving in Vietnam. He shared with us many very emotional stories about his service.
He is a real American hero!
Following Richard's address Regent Jane Yates and Vice-Regent Carrie Ann Bright presented Richard a certificate in recognition of his "Valor * Service * Sacrifice.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Monroe County Mayor, Tim Yates, recently signed a proclamation declaring November National American Indian Heritage Month in Monroe County, TN. He is surrounded by DAR Rhea-Craig Chapter members Faye Sliger, Carrie Ann Bright, Jane Yates, Barbara McKeel, Jo Watson and Marcia Long.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Daughters of the American Revolution Day - October 11

Monroe County Mayor Tim Yates signed a proclamation declaring October 11th Daughters of the American Revolution Day. DAR was founded in 1890 and has over 180,000 members. 
From left to right: Barbara McKeel, Carrie Ann Bright, Jane Yates, Jo Watson, Marcia Long and Faye Sliger behind Mayor Yates.

A visit to King's Mountain and Cow Pens National Battlefield Parks on the 234th anniversary of the Battle of King's Mountain.

An Overmountain re-enactor and Rhea-Craig Chapter daughters Dana Myers and Caren Lorelle at the monument commemorating the decisive Revolutionary War Battle.

In commemoration of the Battle of Cowpens a monument honors those who fought and gave their lives for American Freedom.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

A day at the Muscadine Festival in Sweetwater, TN

Our booth at the National Muscadine Festival was a big hit.  We worked hard to make money for Veterans.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Muscadine Festival items for sale at the Rhea-Craig DAR booth.

Just a small sample.  So much more to come.

Muscadine Festival - More items for sale

Rhea-Craig Chapter's members and gifts they presented at the August 2, 2014 workshop in Knoxville at the Cherokee District and Appalachian District meeting. The items, all home-made include Christmas tree shirts, knit hats and a knit lap robe. These will be given to Fisher House in Murfreesboro, TN. Fisher House is affiliated with the Alvin C. York VA Medical Center in Murfreesboro, TN.

Fisher House is a "home away from home” for families of patients receiving medical care at major military and VA medical centers.

Rhea-Craig gifts to Fisher House in Murfreesboro, TN

Rhea-Craig Chapter's members and gifts they presented at the August 2, 2014 workshop in Knoxville at the Cherokee District and Appalachian District meeting. The items, all home-made include Christmas tree shirts, knit hats and a knit lap robe. These will be given to Fisher House in Murfreesboro, TN. Fisher House is affiliated with the Alvin C. York VA Medical Center in Murfreesboro, TN. 
Fisher House is a "home away from home” for families of patients receiving medical care at major military and VA medical centers.

Thursday, July 31, 2014

National Muscadine Festival in Sweetwater, TN - September 26-28, 2014

 The National Muscadine Festival is fast approaching.  Celebrating America's First Grape, this huge festival includes vendors, artists, live music, a grape stomp, grapevine wreath auction, a BBQ contest, Miss Muscadine Pageant and of course, a parade! As a vendor, the Rhea-Craig Chapter of the DAR will be offering items for sale to help meet the needs of our active military and veterans. We will be selling antiques (including china and silver), baked goods, toys, jewelry, handbags and numerous hand-made craft items. We will also offer free iris while the supply lasts.  If you think you might have an ancestor who served in the Revolutionary War, we will information available how to qualify for membership in the Daughters of the American Revolution.   We look forward to seeing you there.

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Books on Base

Jane Yates, Registrar, presenting books for the "Books on Base" program at the 2014 National Society Daughters of the American Revolution 123rd Continental Congress in Washington, DC.

July Birthdays


July Birthdays
Marcia Long - July 4
Caren Lorelle - July 27
Chris Carpenter - July 26
Nelle Ward - July 30
Mrs. Ward celebrated her 103rd birthday this year!

Photo: Apparently my own birthday on July 27th took me "over the hill" and I erroneously wished Sheila Dunn a "Happy Birthday" on Chris Carpenter's birthday.  I apologize to Sheila for making her a year older too soon and to Chris Carpenter for missing her special day.

July Birthdays - 
Nelle Ward celebrated 103 years on July 30 
Caren Lorelle - July 27
Chris Carpenter - July 26
Marcia Long - July 4

Friday, July 4, 2014

Join Us! An Invitation to join our Membership

The Rhea-Craig Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) invites you to become part of one of the most inclusive genealogical societies in America.
If you think you might have an ancestor who served in the American Revolution consider joining us.  We will help you with the research to find and verify your patriot. Please call Kathy Tyler at 423-775-3745 or email her at if you would like information on how you can join the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR).

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Celebrate Flag Day 2014

The Birth of Old Glory
According to legend, in 1776, George Washington commissioned Philadelphia seamstress Betsy Ross to create a flag for the new nation. To date, there have been twenty-seven official versions of... the flag, but the arrangement of the stars varied according to the flag-makers' preferences until President Taft standardized the then-new flag's forty-eight stars into six rows of eight in 1912. The current version dates to July 4, 1960, after Hawaii became fiftieth state on August 21, 1959.

Friday, June 13, 2014

Flag Raising Ceremony at the Brainerd Mission Cemetery

Rhea-Craig Chapter DAR was represented on June 11, 2014 at the Brainerd Mission Flag Raising Ceremony.  The cemetery is the District III Historic Site in Chattanooga, TN.  Members in attendance were:  Regent Jane Yates, Barbara McKeel, Carrie Bright, Sheila Dunn, Kathy Tyler, Marsha Long and Faye Sliger. 
The Daughters of the American Revolution Regents’ Council of Chattanooga and the John Sevier Chapter Sons of the American Revolution Annual Flag Raising Ceremony.
June 11, 2014
2:30 p.m.
Brainerd Mission Cemetery, Chattanooga, TN

Rhea-Craig Chapter DAR New Officers for 2014 - 2015

New officers being sworn in by Vice-Regent Carrie Ann Bright.  June 12, 2014
Carrie Ann Bright being sworn in as the Vice-Regent by Faye Sliger, Chaplin.  June 12, 2014

New officers for 2014-2015.
Marcia Long, Kathy Tyler, Susan Pluff, Sheila Dunn, Barbara McKeel, Faye Sliger, Carrie Ann Bright, Jane Yates.
June 12, 2014

New Members of the Rhea-Craig Chapter DAR

New members of the Rhea-Craig DAR, Janet Kincaid and Blair Yates are sworn in by Chaplin Faye Sliger, June 12, 2014.

Friday, May 9, 2014

A visit to the Historic Crabtree House

Members of Rhea-Craig Chapter gathered at the Crabtree House in Sweetwater's Historic District.  This beautiful home was built in 1870 by Henry Mayes and served as a stagecoach stop in Sweetwater's early years.   It has been beautifully restored with antique chandeliers, gorgeous wood floors and period furnishings. 

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Celebrating our Vietnam Veterans

Leaders of the long procession arrive at the Sweetwater Gold Star VFW Post 5156 in Sweetwater, TN
Members of Rhea-Craig Chapter were part of the crowd welcoming and honoring
Vietnam Veterans to the VFW Post 5156