Saturday, April 30, 2016

Jr. ROTC Awards Ceremony for Rhea County High School

April 28, 2016 members of the Rhea-Craig Chapter DAR attended the Jr. ROTC Awards Ceremony for students of Rhea County High School. With the Jr. ROTC Color Guard in the background, Rhea-Craig Chapter Regent Carrie Ann Bright presented a DAR medal and certificate of recognition to Cadet Captain Melanie Daniel for her demonstration of "Academic Excellence, Dependability, Good Character, Adherence to Military Discipline, Leadership and a Fundamental and Patriotic Understanding of the Importance of the Reserve Officers Training Corps". Congratulations Melanie!

From left to right: Faye Sliger, Carrie Ann Bright,
 Caren Lorelle, Melanie Daniel, Susan Pluff,
Marcia Long, Kathy Tyler, Barbara McKeel.


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Wednesday, April 20, 2016

The Constitution of the United States

Caren Lorelle presented a program on the United States Constitution at the April 17, 2016 meeting.

Honoring Vietnam Veterans

Members of Rhea-Craig Dar with the official Vietnam Veterans' banner honoring their service and sacrifice. The banner hung in the gazebo in downtown Sweetwater for all to see as a reminder never to forget the service and sacrifice the Vietnam Veterans made in their youth. From left to right: Faye Sliger, Carrie Ann Bright and Jane Yates.

DAR Donation to the Public Library

Vinita Allmond (left) and Marcia Long (right) presented to Tania Rich, the librarian of the Sweetwater Public Library with a gift of books for children and adults.  The library maintains a list of books and recordings that they would love to add to their collection.

Friday, April 1, 2016

Vietnam Veterans Day Ceremony - March 2, 2016

March 29, 2016 Rhea-Craig members participated in the Vietnam Veterans Day Ceremony at the McMinn County Senior Citizen Center in Athens, TN. From greeting these brave men, handing each one of them a commemorative pin recognizing their service during the Vietnam War, to the Celebratory Toast at the end of the program, the morning was an emotional reminder that we must never forget the sacrifices these men made in their youth.
They have earned our undying gratitude.