Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Recognizing Native Americans

Members of the Rhea-Craig Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR)
 gathered at the office of Monroe County Mayor, Tim Yates to witness him signing a November proclamation recognizing Native Americans.

Standing from left to right are Faye Sliger, Marcia Long, Caren Lorelle, Jo Watson, Susan Pluff. Seated from left to right are Jane Yates, Mayor Yates and Carrie Ann Bright.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

U. S. Military Working Dogs and Handlers

The photos above are of items purchased by Rhea-Craig Chapter DAR for the Military Working Dog Teams. We followed a list provided by the organization so we would meet the needs and wants of the dogs and handlers. The items were purchased with funds we collected at this year's National Muscadine Festival in downtown Sweetwater, TN. Fair-goers were very generous and it is with their generosity that we were able to gather these items for a deployed dog and handler. Thank you to everyone who made this possible!

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Historical Quilts

Marcia Long presented a program on antique quilts - from her own collection. Marcia's historic quilts have been exhibited in museums and photos of many have been published in books. Because most of her quilts were inherited Marcia was able to share a story of each one.


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Community Involvement

AddMembers of Rhea Craig Chapter brought non-perishable food items to donate to the Sweetwater Area Ministries (S. A. M.) to assist them in their efforts to care for needy members of the community. caption

Recognizing our founder

After the October meeting members of Rhea Craig Chapter decorated the grave of our founder, Annie Rhea Clark.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Recognizing the Daughters of the American Revolution

Members of the Rhea-Craig Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) gathered at the office of Monroe County Mayor, Tim Yates to witness him signing an October proclamation recognizing the Daughters of the American Revolution. Standing from left to right are Jo Watson, Caren Lorelle, Marcia Long, Susan Pluff and Faye Sliger. Seated from left to right are Jane Yates, Mayor Yates and Carrie Ann Bright.

Monday, September 28, 2015

2015 National Muscadine Festival - Sweetwater, TN

The National Muscadine Festival, Saturday, September 26, 2015 began with showers but we were given a double rainbow to encourage us. Our sales will enable us to continue contribute to projects in the community and services for veterans and active military. We also collected donations from fair-goers for our newest project - providing necessary items for deployed military working dogs and their handlers. Thank you to everyone who participated, purchased and donated.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Constitution Week Proclaimation

Members of the Rhea-Craig Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) gathered at the office of Monroe County Mayor, Tim Yates to witness him signing a proclamation recognizing September 14-20, 2015 as Constitution Week. Standing from left to right are Faye Sliger, Jo Watson, Susan Pluff, Marcia Long and Caren Lorelle. Seated from left to right are Jane Yates, Mayor Yates and Carrie Ann Bright.

Thursday, August 20, 2015

National Muscadine Festival September 26, 2015

Be sure to come by the DAR booth at this year's National Muscadine Festival - Sept. 26. This is just a small sample of what we will be offering: Christmas decorations, hand-made crochet items, wedding tiaras and veils, baked goods.

Saturday, August 1, 2015

New member, Gail Pannell is officially sworn in.

Gail McKeel Pannell is sworn in as a member of Rhea-Craig Chapter by Faye Sliger, Chaplain. From left to right: Faye Sliger; Gail Pannell; Jane Yates; Kathy Tyler.

Friday, July 3, 2015

July Birthdays

Happy July Birthday to Chris Carpenter, July 26;
Caren Lorelle, July 27;
Nelle Ward, July 30 and Marcia Long, July 4.

Friday, June 12, 2015

Flag Raising at Brainerd Mission Cemetery - June 10, 2015

Rhea-Craig Chapter members attended the Flag Raising Ceremony at Brainerd Mission Cemetery on June 10, 2015. The ceremony was hosted by the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution Regents' Council of Chattanooga and the Tennessee Society of the Sons of the American Revolution, John Sevier Chapter. The East Ridge High School JROTC Color Guard performed the actual flag raising. Among guest speakers was Maria Kain Matthews, Chairman of the Brainerd Mission Cemetery Committee who gave a moving speech comparing the Mission in the its early history to current times. Jimmy Yellowhorse Webster gave a short flute performance and his wife, Tamara Hicks, sang Amazing Grace in Cherokee. This annual ceremony retiring the old flag and raising the new one, is an opportunity to acknowledge the part of our history that included the Cherokee and pay our respect in this sacred, peaceful and spiritual cemetery.

From left to right:  Faye Sliger, Barbara McKeel, Kathy Tyler, Dana Myers, Carrie Ann Bright,
Caren Lorelle, Jane Yates, Susan Pluff

Rhea-Craig Chapter members attended the Flag Raising Ceremony at Brainerd Mission Cemetery on June 10, 2015. The ceremony was hosted by the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution Regents' Council of Chattanooga and the Tennessee Society of the Sons of the American Revolution, John Sevier Chapter. The East Ridge High School JROTC Color Guard performed the actual flag raising. Among guest speakers was Maria Kain Matthews, Chairman of the Brainerd Mission Ceme...tery Committee who gave a moving speech comparing the Mission in the its early history to current times. Jimmy Yellowhorse Webster gave a short flute performance and his wife, Tamara Hicks, sang Amazing Grace in Cherokee. This annual ceremony retiring the old flag and raising the new one, is an opportunity to acknowledge the part of our history that included the Cherokee and pay our respect in this sacred, peaceful and spiritual cemetery.

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Rose Bushes planted at the Sweetwater Public Library

In celebration of Earth Day 2015, Carrie Ann Bright, Regent, planted twelve beautiful Knockout Roses at the Sweetwater, TN Public Library. It will be fun to watch them bloom and grow for years to come. Thanks Carrie Ann.

Friday, June 5, 2015

Ice Cream Social

Celebrating the new officers we enjoyed a wonderful Ice Cream Social at the end of our meeting. Everything was delicious!

Swearing in New Officers - June 4, 2015

Chaplain Faye Sliger swears in the new officers: Faye Sliger - Chaplain; Caren Lorelle - Marketing Director; Marcia Long - Media and Historian; Susan Pluff - Treasurer; Barbara McKeel - Recording Secretary; Jane Yates - Vice Regent; Carrie Ann Bright - Regent.

Outgoing regent, Jane Yates hands off the gavel to new Regent, Carrie Ann Bright.

Celebrating our National Anthem!

New Regent, Carrie Ann Bright brought a beautiful book with patriotic pictures set with the words to the Star Spangled Banner.  She turned from page to page as we sang the words. It was a very moving experience for all.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

A gift to the children of Sweetwater, TN

Susan Pluff, Treasurer and Caren Lorelle, Marketing Director attended a concert by singer/song-writer Dave Mallett at Cleveland State Community College.  After the concert, they purchased a children’s book of one of Dave’s songs and he autographed it “To the Children of Sweetwater”.   After the DAR May meeting Susan presented the book to Tara Skinner, Children’s Librarian at the Sweetwater Public Library. 

Mother's Day and the Magna Carta

Carrie Ann Bright, Vice-Regent presented a program on Mother’s Day and another on the Magna Carta at our May 14, 2015 meeting.  She shared many facts about both of these subjects - some were historically fascinating and some were truly comical. 

Fabulous Books Donation

  Faye Sliger, Chaplain and Jane Yates, Regent with “Volumes I and II  of Legacies of our Great Grand Mothers; Early Tennessee Women; TN Society DAR.  A set of these fabulous volumes was given to the East Tennessee Historical Society and to the Monroe County, TN Archives in the Monroe County Court House. 


Monday, May 18, 2015

2015 State Conference for the Tennessee Daughters of the American Revolution

The 2015 State Conference of the Tennessee Daughters of the American Revolution was held in Franklin, TN April 9-12. 

Attending the conference were Jane Yates, Regent; Carrie Ann Bright, Vice-regent; Faye Sliger, Chaplain and Cecile Waverly, Associate member.

We are very proud to have received several awards this year including the following (for Chapters with fewer than 50 members):

·        Grand Prize for “Largest Percent Increase in Junior Membership”. 

·        Bronze Award for “Historic Preservation”

·        Tennessee “Terrific Treasurer” Award for Outstanding Service

·        Cherokee District “2014 Chapter Achievement Certificate of Excellence Award”

·        First Place in the State Award for “Outstanding Chapter Brochure/Fact Sheet”

·        Cherokee District First Place Award for “Outstanding Chapter Brochure/Fact Sheet”

·        First Place Award for “Watercolor”

·        First Place Cherokee District for “West Tennessee Veterans’ Cemetery Project”

·        Honorable Mention for “Mother’s Day 100th Anniversary”

·        Cherokee District Outstanding “Use of Electronic/Internet Media”

·        Cherokee District Outstanding “Publicity for Commemorative or Community Event”

·        Cherokee District “Outstanding PR and Media Report Overall”

·        Cherokee District “2nd Place – Phones for Vets Project 2014”

·        Cherokee District Honorable Mention and Recognition for “Blount Mansion Contribution and Program”

·        Third Place tie for “Outstanding Press Coverage – DAR Good Citizens”

·        Third Place Tie for “Number of invitations to C.A.R., to Programs and Events”

·        Third Place Tie for “Most Indian Minutes given to Chapter”

·        Outstanding Community Service by Individuals for “Celebrate America

·        Outstanding Community Service by Chapter for “Celebrate America

·        Tennessee Master Questionnaire Award – “American History Committee”

·        Tennessee American History Programs – “American History Committee”

·        Outstanding Effort Award – ”Chapter Scholarship Report”

·        Recognition for “Community Service/Parks and Cemeteries”

·        Honorable Mention for “Veteran’s Day - Vietnam War 50th Anniversary”

·        Honorable Mention for “C.A.R. Senior Leadership”

·        Honorable Mention for “DAR/CAR Dual Members”

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Celebrating the Legacy of Harry T. Burn

On March 28, 2015 members of the Rhea-Craig DAR attended a Celebration of the Legacy of Harry T. Burn at the Niota, TN Cemetery.  Harry was a first term State Representative from Niota, TN who, after planning to vote against the 19th amendment to legalize women's' suffrage, was convinced by his mother to "be a good boy" and cast his vote in favor of women's suffrage. Harry's vote was the deciding 36th vote needed to ratify the 19th amendment to the U. S. Constitution thereby giving all American women the right to vote.

Photos are from the celebration which was hosted by Tennessee SAR and the Tennessee SAR Color Guard.

Rhea-Craig members at the grave of Harry T. Burn: 
Faye Sliger, Susan Pluff, Caren Lorelle, Dana Myers,
Marcia Long, Carrie Bright and Jane Yates.