Monday, May 18, 2015

2015 State Conference for the Tennessee Daughters of the American Revolution

The 2015 State Conference of the Tennessee Daughters of the American Revolution was held in Franklin, TN April 9-12. 

Attending the conference were Jane Yates, Regent; Carrie Ann Bright, Vice-regent; Faye Sliger, Chaplain and Cecile Waverly, Associate member.

We are very proud to have received several awards this year including the following (for Chapters with fewer than 50 members):

·        Grand Prize for “Largest Percent Increase in Junior Membership”. 

·        Bronze Award for “Historic Preservation”

·        Tennessee “Terrific Treasurer” Award for Outstanding Service

·        Cherokee District “2014 Chapter Achievement Certificate of Excellence Award”

·        First Place in the State Award for “Outstanding Chapter Brochure/Fact Sheet”

·        Cherokee District First Place Award for “Outstanding Chapter Brochure/Fact Sheet”

·        First Place Award for “Watercolor”

·        First Place Cherokee District for “West Tennessee Veterans’ Cemetery Project”

·        Honorable Mention for “Mother’s Day 100th Anniversary”

·        Cherokee District Outstanding “Use of Electronic/Internet Media”

·        Cherokee District Outstanding “Publicity for Commemorative or Community Event”

·        Cherokee District “Outstanding PR and Media Report Overall”

·        Cherokee District “2nd Place – Phones for Vets Project 2014”

·        Cherokee District Honorable Mention and Recognition for “Blount Mansion Contribution and Program”

·        Third Place tie for “Outstanding Press Coverage – DAR Good Citizens”

·        Third Place Tie for “Number of invitations to C.A.R., to Programs and Events”

·        Third Place Tie for “Most Indian Minutes given to Chapter”

·        Outstanding Community Service by Individuals for “Celebrate America

·        Outstanding Community Service by Chapter for “Celebrate America

·        Tennessee Master Questionnaire Award – “American History Committee”

·        Tennessee American History Programs – “American History Committee”

·        Outstanding Effort Award – ”Chapter Scholarship Report”

·        Recognition for “Community Service/Parks and Cemeteries”

·        Honorable Mention for “Veteran’s Day - Vietnam War 50th Anniversary”

·        Honorable Mention for “C.A.R. Senior Leadership”

·        Honorable Mention for “DAR/CAR Dual Members”

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