Sunday, March 15, 2015

The Community Coalition Against Human Trafficking

Kate Trudell
Kate Trudell

Susan Pluff, Treasurer presents a donation to Kate for the CCAHT.
Kate B. Trudell was the guest speaker at our March 12, 2015 meeting.  Kate is the, Executive Director of the Community Coalition Against Human Trafficking, in Knoxville, TN.   Kate’s presentation was riveting.  She really opened our eyes about the enormity of this criminal industry that today has enslaved an estimated 27 million people worldwide, more than at in any other time in history.  
·        Human trafficking is the 2nd most lucrative criminal industry worldwide, after drug trafficking, bringing in approximately $32 billion annually.
·        Today’s slaves are forced into labor, service or sex slavery to make money for their “owners.”  People can be sold repeatedly. In the case of a sex slave, that might be 10, 20 or more times a day. In labor slavery, goods and services are produced without compensating the laborer.
Community Coalition Against Human Trafficking (CCAHT) strives to free individuals from injustice and exploitation in East Tennessee.
CCAHT educates, equips, and empowers the community to:
·        recognize the signs of human trafficking,
·        take action to end this modern day slavery,
·        and connect victims with restorative resources. 
CCAHT helps develop systems and training for the identification and reporting of suspected human trafficking. Through these and other advocacy efforts, CCAHT aims to bring offenders to justice and illuminate a restorative path for victims.

To learn more about CCAHT please visit their website at or their Facebook page at 

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