Sunday, June 4, 2017

Ceremony Honoring Veterans in Athens, TN

Sunday, June 4, the City of Athens held a ceremony at Veterans Memorial Park, to dedicate 85 new veterans’ bricks added to the Veterans’ Walk. This date also commemorated the 75th Anniversary of the Battle of Midway.

The Rhea-Craig Chapter purchased two bricks to be installed in the walk; one was for Rev. Joseph Rhea, the other was for Captain Robert Craig.  These patriot veterans, from the Revolutionary War, are the men for whom our chapter is named.

During the ceremony Alex Shelton sang the National Anthem and other patriotic songs; Congressman Chuck Fleischmann reminded us of the significance of the Battle of Midway and Rev. Clinton Elmer Riddle, one of the last living veterans of World War II, presided over the dedication of the new bricks. Rev. Riddle was in Company B 325th Glider Infantry of the 82nd Airborne Division in time to set sail for Africa on April 28th 1943. He was also involved in Sicily, the Invasion of Italy, Ireland, England, the Invasion of Normandy, the Invasion of Holland, and the Battle of the Bulge. What a remarkable treat to be in the presence of this amazing man.

This was an exceptionally beautiful and emotional ceremony.  The patriotic music was uplifting, the speeches were poignant and, in spite of the heat and occasional rain, the crowd was inspired.

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